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Source: Politika

The authorities gave number of information, in higher amount comparing to the year 2006, to the public, press, media, NVO and others who asked for.

Next month, Commissioner for the information that are important to the public, Rodoljub Sabic , will give the report to the National Parliament, about haw the law of the free approach to the information was during last year' s access. Although, it' s too early to make a conclusion about haw much the state and public authorities last year, three years after the adopting the law, gave the right for the public to know, positive movements are noticeable. 

- The report that I'll give to the Parliament will assure that the positive trend is continuing. Number of information that the authorities gave to the public, press, media, NVO and others that asked for, is higher than in the year 2006 that is, by the way, higher comparing to the 2005. When it is about the Commissioner, it is interesting that the percentage of the cases in which Commissioner do not have to give the order, and just after the first intervention of Commissioner, the authorities will deliver the information that first he has never given, is growing. That point' s that with a little bit more effort and good will, we can have a better score- more satisfied public, better show of transparency of the authorities and less complaints to Commissioner. The report will, I believe, confirm also the grate movement in a relation to the measures for the promotion of the public work; education of stuff, publishing the informer and similar- says Radoljub Sabic .

Although this regulation has been applied for the three years, some state organs are still neglecting the obligation to prepare the yearly report in which they will summarized haw much they have spend and haw much they have enforced the demand for the information access, haw many complaints there has been, the way they have been paid for the compensation for this sort of service and other points that are in a relation to the enforcement of the law. Dead line for such reports to be given expired on 20th of January, and not everybody have been disciplined.

- It is about the basic and benignant obligation and the relation to it is telling us a lot. This year, for more than about 730 draftees, ' till now nearly 550 reports have been given, or about 75 percent. That number is higher than the last year (2006) when 480 reports  (about 67 percent) have been given by the draftees, and that is a little bit more comparing to the first year. Although the statistics will confirm the positive trend, that's not something we should be proved of- explains Sabic and adds:

- The six biggest states authorities gave the reports: President of the Republic of Serbia, National Parliament of the Republic of Serbia, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and the State Attorney Office. Hundred percent executions of the obligations is present at the Governmental Agency of the Autonomous Region Vojvodina - parliament, executive council, other regional secretariats, and also including the net of the trade courts. In the other state authorities the percent is also higher than the last year, and it' s more then 70 percent.

It is alarming, considers Sabic , because five ministries haven' t given the reports, and by the definition they should be the most responsible when it' s about the enforcement of the law.

Bad relation to the duties is in the state authorities are on the level of the local self- management. The reports came from about 50 percent of the municipalities, that is less than last year, also bad 52 percent. Commissioner considers that those occurrences shouldn't be tolerated  "no matter if the reason is ignorance, disorganization, irresponsibility or arrogance". The law gives for this penalty a punishment of 50.000 diners. Sabic remarks that " Commissioner has no authorities in a relation to the starting and or conducting law violation process" and that is in the competency of the Ministry of culture. As far as he knows, from inforcement of the law, 'till now no violation procedure was inniciated due to not fullfillment of this legal obluigation.