Source: Danas
Commissioner for Information of Public Importance has greeted the decision of the Government to publish the Concession Agreement for Construction of HorgoS - Pozega Highway.
Belgrade - Commissioner for Information of Public Importance Rodoljub Sabic said in the interview to FoNet that the decision of the Government of Serbia to publish the Concession Agreement for Construction of Highway between HorgoS and Pozega could be the first step in the new communication method of the government with the public.- That move is valuable as an example for the future. That should be a turning point and a new way in which we shall in the future treat the jobs where large amounts of state money, resources and goods are involved - explained Sabic. He hopes that this decision means that the „Government has opted to inform the public about such jobs even when no one has previously asked that from it“.
- I want to believe that this is the first step on the road where we should know how to use the public as a good tool both for affirmation of positive results, but also for fight against abuse and corruption - stressed Sabic.
Glimpsing at the rejection by the Ministry for Infrastructure to publish Concession Agreement in the first instance, Sabic stated that the „decision of the Government should have been made earlier“ and added that „many, due to that unnecessary procrastination, would have reserves towards this governmental move“.
Serbia has, however, according to his words, made in short time „big move regarding free access to information, that some foreign observers have evaluated as one of the most qualitative results in the region“. Sabic points out that it is nice to hear such marks, but notes that there is not much reason for satisfaction, because not everything what Serbia could have realistically achieved has been done.
- We could have achieved higher quality communication between power and the public, and an incomparably wider access to information. We could have affirmed the principles suiting the modern times, because we are still one European state and we live in the 21st century - stressed Sabic.
The power, according to the words of Sabic, must recognize the right of free access to information, not only as its obligation, but also as something forming the basis of normal relationship of democratic government towards the citizens. Sabic warns that in Serbia people ignore the fact that even among the citizens and in the government itself there is a very low level of knowledge regarding the right to have free access to information of public interest.
- The power has to find out that this can not be faked, that this is not a plant we have planted into the system only to please the Western observers. Serious education of the people in power is necessary, regarding their obligations towards the public - said Sabic. As he mentioned, it is difficult to set apart the most negative examples of institutions' relationship towards the right of the public to be informed, because that depends from the viewpoint.
- You have an example that the law is ignored... Certain institutions simply do not apply the law, ignoring our request. In that context I have pointed out to the Security-Information Agency, because they do not perform the most elementary obligations
- pointed out Sabic.
- All this, however, does not mean that this is in essence the most dramatic example.
It is true that in principle attitude that you put yourself above the law is unacceptable, but you have a mass of other situations where information are denied, that are more important regarding our existence - added Sabic.
It is not easy to sort out the most positive example either, because many institutions both on the local and state level have made significant moves.
- I have gladly acknowledged significant effort and result in the network of trade judiciary in Serbia, where various chronic problems existed. In the last year a serious change has been made there - pointed out Sabic.
According to his words, network of trade courts now has very open communication with citizens over the Internet, but that doesn't mean that there are no problems in communication with those courts. FoNet
Boxed bold text: The greatest problem is with executive power
Comparing which one from the three branches of power has done the most in opening towards the public, Sabic pointed out that it is for sure the judiciary. Sabic however mentioned that the most important and the most relevant information, which are also the main topic of interest of the public, are in the hands of executive power.
- We don't' have there the result we could have- concluded Sabic.