Да ли извод из земљишних књига представља информацију од јавног значаја?
Да ли извод из земљишних књига представља информацију од јавног значаја?
Whether endorsed copy of a document may be obtained from the authorities based on the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance?
Can a request for free access to information of public importance be submitted by fax or electronically (e-mail) and is a request submitted by phone from editorial staff of the media also considered a "verbal request"?
To what account and in what amount the information seeker should pay the funds on behalf of costs of issuing the copy of the document with the requested information
Should the Ministry enable access to information regarding inspection controls, that is, Inspectors' minutes, according to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, having in mind the provisions from Article 32 of the State Administration Act („Official Gazette of the RS" no.s 20/92...49/99) according to which the Inspector is obliged to keep as a business secret data discovered during supervision?
Is a minor entitled to seek and receive information of public importance and is the right restricted in some parts, or it applies to any information of public importance?
Is a minor entitled to seek and receive information of public importance and is the right restricted in some parts, or it applies to any information of public importance?
Can a citizen who is an applicant, regardless of whether he/she ha s exercised their right to file a complaint with the (Public Information) Commissioner, submit a request for initiating offence proceedings for an infraction committed under article 46, paragraph 1 point 6 of the Law on Free Access to information of Public Importance against an authorized person in a state body who does not act in line with provisions of article 38. Paragraph 2 point 1 of the law, which serves as the basis for launching offence proceedings, and is the Commissioner authorized to conduct the offence proceedings? (June 2007)
Does the decision of the prosecution about abandoning criminal charges against someone present information of public significance in the sense of the law on free access to information of public significance, i.e. can it be considered that there is a justified interest of the public to be acquainted with such document, if an individual is specifically interested in this and not more people? (April 2007)
Is the Commissioner obliged to check the truthfulness of information delivered to him by the body in power after issuing of the Decision?