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International right to know day – 28 September 2015 - Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection


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An event on occasion of the International Right to Know Day – 28 September, was organized in Belgrade by the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, OSCE Mission to Serbia, Coalition for Free Access to Information, the Association of Journalists of Serbia and the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia with the participation of a large number of representatives of the media, citizens' associations, authorities, as well as the members of the diplomatic corps. The audience was addressed by: Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Mr. Michael Uyehara, Protector of Citizens Sasa Jankovic and Rodoljub Sabic Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection.

The publication IV - Freedom of Information - "The Commissioner's Views and Opinions" was presented at the event by Stanojla Mandic, Deputy Commissioner.

On occasion of the International Right to Know Day, the Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic stated the following:

"This is the tenth time that we have celebrated the International Right to Know Day in Serbia. It is an opportunity, just like in the previous years, to note the uncontested, evident results with regard to the implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information, however this does not entitle us to be satisfied. Problems and incidents are still plentiful, which is most evident in the large number of complaints submitted to the Commissioner. As a result, we are missing an opportunity to achieve the necessary results in the democratization of society, the rationalization of the government apparatus, establishing better relationships in the media sphere, and, which is particularly important, in the fight against corruption, crime and abuse. In this regard, it is worrying that in addition to the "classic" obstacles to the right to know, this year there is noticeable evidence of the tendency to attempt to create additional, aggravating conditions for the exercise of the right to know under special regulations or laws falling within the jurisdiction of different ministries which are contrary to the Law on Free Access to Information. In practice, the Commissioner shall always resolved the collision of laws caused in this manner by giving primacy to the Law on Free Access to Information, however, the bad and potentially very harmful tendency shall threaten the unity of the legal system and cause confusion in connection with the exercise of rights. The Commissioner has drawn the Government's attention to the matter, and we will see how it will result.

However, in any case, it is good that, on this day, we have an opportunity to acknowledge those who contribute to the exercise of the public's right to know."

Minister Srdjan Verbic collected an award on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as the winner of the competition for the best Information Booklet.

Assistant Minister, Uros Zekovic, collected an award on behalf of the Ministry of Youth and Sport for its contribution to the affirmation of the right of access to information of public importance and transparency in the category of republican authorities.

The president of the Administrative Court, Jelena Ivanovic, collected an award on behalf of the Court for its contribution to the promotion of the right of access to information of public importance and transparency in the category of judicial bodies.

The main award for special contribution to the affirmation of the right of access to information of public importance and a statuette were presented to the organization Transparency Serbia. The President of Transparency Serbia, Dr Vladimir Goati, collected a special award which is to remain with the recipient until the following Right to Know Day.

This year as well, the winners were elected by the Committee composed of the presidents of journalist associations AJS and IAJS, representative of the academia and a representative of the NGO Coalition for Free Access to Information, and the awards were presented by the Commissioner, Rodoljub Sabic."