Public Significance Information Commissioner participated in a round table activity in Novi Pazar, organized in the cooperation of OEBS mission in Serbia, NUNS (independent association of journalist of Serbia), UNS (Association of journalists of Serbia) and the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia, dedicated to the freedom of the media, and to the public significance information access.
Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic has, among other things said:
„Democratic societies are founded on the idea that the public has a right to know , in principal all of the business of the government. Free information access which are available to the government authority enables the citizens to be better informed, and government officials more responsible. In societies undergoing transition, such is ours, expanding a space for free information access is basic preconditions and expression of democratization and a fight against misuse of governmental power and corruption.
In that context, public media and journalists have a particular and very important role. In order to be able to fulfill it, clear rules need to be in place on accessibility of public information which provide for efficient data collection on government performance. Law on free access to information is one of laws providing such rules.
Insufficient is of course, to have only rules „on paper“. It is simply not enough to introduce the Law on information access and Law on public information. It is essential to insure a principal and efficient implementation of these laws. Public and the Government should contribute to this, as well, and especially journalists and media with persistent insisting on their right to free information access. And as for authority, if it wants to be deemed democratic, relating to this law as a normal ratio of relations between those entrusted with governing public affairs, and the public. As for those unwilling to accept and respect, it is necessary to activate mechanisms provided by the Law , in regards to free information access, and when necessary to enforce the law compulsively, namely that those who deny the public's rights face adequate sanctions."