Today, the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance has again, in writing, warned all governing bodies that they have the obligation, according to Article 43 of the Law on Access to Information of Public Importance, to submit the Annual Report on actions that they have undertaken in 2006 with the goal to implement this Law.
According to the Law, reports must contain relevant data about the implementation of the Law, and especially on measures undertaken for upgrading its implementation.
In this occasion, the Commissioner, Rodoljub Sabic said:
"Reports which governing bodies are obliged to submit should form the basis for preparing the Annual Report which the Commissioner shall submit to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. In view of the fact that the line Ministry is not fulfilling the supervisory function, this Report will be the only way for the National Assembly and our public to get a better insight into the status of implementation of the Law on Access to Information.
Naturally, it is already clear that this image will not be good. Special cause for concern is nonfulfillment of obligations in connection with the publishing of the Information Bulletin on activities, and especially pertaining to training of human resources to implement the Law. Regardless of some evident results, there are too may problems in the implementation of the Law, with a special cause for worry resulting from the fact that certain problems, even though evident and already chronic, are still not being solved.
Naturally, reports need to be correct, without embellishment. If this will be so, we shall have no cause for satisfaction, but we shall at least be able to objectively review the dimensions of problems arising relevant to the implementation of the Law, as the first precondition for solving them.
It is important for the authorities to demonstrate a considerably more responsible attitude than was the case last year at the same occasion. More than anyone else, they are responsible to have the correct attitude toward their obligations resulting from this, and any other Law, in all occasions, in the correct manner. No impromptu activities, electoral included, may be an apology for suspending obligations envisaged by the law."