The Commissioner for the Information of Public Importance, Rodoljub Sabic, spoke today with Natasa Pirc Musar, Commissioner for Information of the Republic of Slovenia. On that occasion, Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic made the following statement:
“Our talks confirmed that we have established really excellent, friendly relations which represent more than a solid base for the continuation of a constructive cooperation. My Slovenian colleague is staying in Serbia with a group of her associates within the scope of the implementation of an international project of monitoring the enforcement of our Law on Free Access to Information, the project which I believe will be in the function of enhancing the enforcement of the law.
Natasa Pirc Musar observed that, in the field of the enhancement of the freedom of access to information, the right to free access to information guaranteed by the new Constitution represents a very significant result.
A special topic of the talks was the question of the personal data protection. We are in full concurrence in our estimate that Serbia should enact a contemporary Law on the Protection of Personal Data as soon as possible, because a lack of such a law, along with other negative effects, will be a major and essential and formal shortcoming in the context of our further accession to the EU.
I am very content with our agreement to intensify the cooperation which, other than the transfer of good Slovenian experiences, also involves suggestions with regards to the possible future normative, organisational and logistical solutions in this field.”