Source: Politika
Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, Rodoljub Sabic evaluated yesterday that determining contribution for resolving many problems related to the position and action of media and journalists in the transition process must be given by the journalists themselves and their professional associations. "But, some problems are irresolvable without measures that can be implemented only by power. The power is obliged to create prerequisites for autonomous action of media and freedom from pressures and negative influences of any kind", is stated in Sabic's written statement.Sabic evaluated that warnings of domestic journalist associations regarding the status of media freedoms must not be ignored, and that the problems have to be resolved more quickly, instead of letting new ones appear. One shouldn't underestimate the fact that in relevant global ranking lists of media freedoms we fare much worse than the last year, and that we're also high on global ranking lists regarding various assaults on journalists, acknowledged Sabic.
Sabic stated that it is important to complete media privatization, adding that it is also important that it shouldn't bring about impermissible media concentration of another kind. "It would be useless to replace one monopoly with another, and therefore it is important to provide that the process of change of the ownership structure of media shall be implemented in a transparent way. In changed ownership conditions important for evaluation of media freedoms in our country, we shall underline finding of the right solution for functioning of media in minority languages", said Sabic.