Source: : Borba
Police administration in Čačak still hasn't executed the order of the Commissioner for Information and informed the Association of Journalists of Serbia (Udruzenje novinara Srbije - UNS) does it have a Note on alleged sexual harassment of sheep, submitted by Minister Velimir Ilic, has been reported to Beta Agency."The Police administration breaks the law and gives a negative contribution to otherwise ugly and unpleasant atmosphere in the public", evaluated for Beta Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, Rodoljub Sabic, reminding that he has issued the mandatory decision on December the 3rd.
He has especially stressed "ugly and unpleasant possibility" of facing the fact “that the Minister is referring to the police while launching rough, very insulting fabrications on behalf of journalists ".
"It would be also ugly and unpleasant to face the fact that we really have journalists who really do what the Minister's statement is adjudicating them. However, I think that the ugliest and the most harmful variant is that the police is against the law and decision of the state body in charge, not telling the truth", stated Sabic.
According to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, Commissioner's decisions are mandatory, and in case of need their implementation shall be provided by the Government of Serbia.
"UNS' Chairman, Mr. Nino Brajovic has informed me that in the next day or two the UNS shall submit a request to the Government of Serbia to secure execution of the decision", said Sabic. When asked if the Government has already secured execution of one of the mandatory decisions, Sabic replied negatively.
According to his words, the bodies in power mostly act according to the mandatory decision, but there are several dozens of cases of infringing that obligation. The procedure has been initiated on October 25th, when UNS requested information from Čačak police about the quotes of Minister Velimir Ilic that some of the journalists have harassed his sheep in Kačulice, where he is building a private clinic.