Source: Blic
Almost two years ago, in order to help the journalists and the public in general in exercising the right to freely access information, on the website Authority Catalogue has been published (of public authorities). That is not a pretentious analytical document, but more of a directory, an inventory list with around 11,000 subjects performing some type of power, or spending public money. That includes on the state level six so-called top authorities, 24 ministries, 18 independent and regulatory bodies, 23 agencies, 16 republic bureaus, 10 directorates, seven funds and forty „others" and additional eighty-something companies with public authorizations or majority state capital. But even the „directory" provokes questions requesting answers. Why for instance, together with the Ministry of Mining and Energy we also have Agencies for Energy, for Energy Efficiency and for Mining; together with the Ministry of Education, there is Institute for Enhancing Education and Training, but also Institute for Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Training; together with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning there are Agencies for Environmental Protection, for Spatial Planning and for Recycling and Nature Preservation Bureau?
The Catalogue didn't have any serious analytical pretensions, so it is indicative that even today, it offers in one place the most of information regarding issues relevant for rationalization. And it is even more indicative that regarding the number of employees in the state apparatus and about the costs of their work there isn't anything similar, not any, at least on the informative level comprehensive document available to the public.
If the rationalization means clearly defined subject of coverage and eliminates forbidden simplification of the solution, to otherwise necessary downsizing, it must also cover the obligation of the authorities to publicize and to continuously publish updated data on organization, number of employees and costs they make. Those data shall not be pleasant for the beginning, but exactly therefore we should face them beyond delay and do whatever is necessary for them to become more acceptable. That probably, is the measure and true sense of rationalization. Author: Rodoljub Sabic