Source: "Politika"
In my opinion, it would be better if the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia discussed the State Audit Institution (SAI) Report now, and not in a few months, but this is not the most important issue; as regardless of the discussion date and the attitude adopted by the National Assembly, all competent bodies can act pursuant to the SAI Report if necessary, Rofoljub Sabic, the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, says.
According to his words, the conclusions of the highest public authority in the field of public revenues, i.e. (SAI), are final and they cannot be overridden before any court. Therefore, the National Assembly’ attitude cannot cause any changes.
„On the other hand, it is very good that the National Assembly has decided to discuss this issue at the plenary session, although it will not happen immediately, just as it is a great thing that the report has been published at all’’ Rodoljub Sabic says.
Према његовим речима, констатације највишег органа власти у области јавних прихода, што је ДРИ, финалне су и оне се ни пред судом не могу побијати. Дакле, ни став парламента ту ништа не може да промени.
„С друге стране, јако је добро што је Скупштина одлучила да о томе води расправу на пленарној седници, иако се то неће десити одмах, као што је велика
ствар и то што се извештај уопште појавио”, каже Родољуб Шабић.